Fresh air invigorates the vital organs and aids the system in ridding itself of accumulated impurities.
Every living thing in our world is dependent on sunlight. Without sunlight nothing would live.
Avoid anything that is harmful to your body. This includes liquor, drugs, tobacco, overeating, eating between meals, sugar-laden foods, strong condiments and spices.
Sleep is the greatest rejuvenator; it restores strength to muscles, nerves, and brain.
15 to 30 minutes digestive walk is recommended for everyone as it promotes digestion of your meal.
Foods should be prepared with simplicity and variation, perhaps only three or four dishes at a meal, and properly cooked.
Drink 16 – 32 oz of warm water upon awakening to cleanse your system. Add 2 tablespoons or 1/2 of lemon to one (1) 8 oz glass.
If thou will diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and will do that which is right in His sight........” Exodus 15:26