Much like a general practitioner, a naturopathic doctor manages a broad range of health conditions affecting all people of all ages. Naturopathic medicine is a system that uses natural remedies to help the body heal itself. It embraces any therapies, including lifestyle changes, nutritional counseling and herbs.
Your initial visit with your naturopath is 60 – 90 minutes long, during which time an in depth review of your symptoms and history will occur. The extensive history reviewed includes all facets of the client’s beliefs, symptoms and lifestyle, which form the groundwork for developing an effective comprehensive treatment plan that will enhance your treatment plan. The goal of natural remedies is to employ therapies that support and promote the body’s natural healing process, leading to the highest state of wellness.
Our role is to take on a more holistic approach in order to relieve ailments and achieve optimal health. There are many natural herbs, enzymes, homeopathic remedies and nutrients that can help to better balance the body, and provide symptom relief. Our natural health team can help guide you to choose the right modality that’s best for you.
Our consultations and treatment plans are individualized for each client, working to identify the root cause of imbalance and gently promoting restoration with: