Complete Healing through the laws of health.

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Medical Missionary Training

Health is a continuum of a state of wellness covering the physical, mental and spiritual state of man (both male and female). Often times, the physical and mental aspect of health is focused on at the expense of the spiritual. 

The gospel medical missionary work is the art of combining the harmonious union of these states using the principles of Christ. It seeks to create health by feeding the physical, mental and spiritual hungry of man.  Restoring health by eliminating  the physical, mental and spiritual sickness and or suffering through lifestyle changes and the use of natural remedies.

This is the reason for the Gospel Medical Missionary Training. In these series you will find information that will achieve an exceptional quality of life if adhered to.  The restoration of a  state of mental, physical and spiritual wellness that is lifesaving. .

In our Certificate program, you will find pointed videos and tutorials similar to a regular class from setting.  We encourage you to read the books in its entirety, for they will prove to be of invaluable information that you will need in doing your work. Once you have completed all the study guides and their assessment a online certificate can be obtained. 

Our online / distance-learning component works great for those who find it difficult to attend our on-site training sessions. “Many who desire to obtain knowledge in medical missionary lines have home duties that sometimes prevent them from meeting with others for study. These may learn much in their own homes in regard to the express will of God concerning these lines of missionary work, thus increasing their ability to help others.” Counsels on Health, p. 427

Part of your training will involve practical sessions in consultations, in which you will learn how to meet and help someone find relief from their ailment with the use of natural remedies and the implementation of Godly principles.

Completion of the program requires you to be disciplined to study and complete the various assignments. Therefore, we encourage you to be diligent and to set goals aimed toward completion within the quickest possible time. We are here to answer any questions you may have and give guidance to you as you may require.

As guided by our Lord, you are encouraged to implement the teachings as you learn, in so doing, the practical experience will enable you to easily understand, remember and be better able to share the information.

May God be with you in your Christian walk as you engage upon this wonderful work and may He richly bless you and your family.
